mandag, oktober 24, 2005


Where is the fish?

Ever been on a fishing trip?

The big question when on a fishingtrip is where is the damn fish! Mostly it is in the water, but water cover quite a lot of the surface of this earth so to know that fish is in the water does not help a lot. My guess is (this is not scientificly proven I think) that there is a bigger percentage of water in fish, than there is fish in water.

This question has also been asked by "The Monty pythons" in the fish sketch. If you have not seen it. Do.

You can also ask yourself this question some times when you eat pre made frozen gratinated fish meals. At least here in Norway. There is almost no fish in it, sometimes I have a feeling there is no fish whatsoever.

The fish, as well as lots of other animals (including dvarwes and earthworms)are planning a hostile take-over of the entire planet. Their biggest problem so far is that they cannot, as of yet, walk on land, but experts predict they'll figure it out soon. All of this is true. I have proof.
C'mon man, it's time for an update, don't you think? Questions are crucial for the continued evolution of our species, so get cracking. Some suggestions, if I may be so bold:
-Why do birds sing?
-What is the light?
-How does it feel?

I could mention a few more, but I'd have to flip through my record collection first.
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